
Jay’s talent, experience and knowledge make possible serving both secular requirements and the needs of the worship community.
As a professional audio engineer and accomplished videographer, Jay can both operate and integrate seemingly disparate performance elements into a completed whole.
As a person of faith, Jay communicates effectively with worship leaders, understands their needs, speaks the language and treats people and budget with respect and patience.
Jay’s extensive nationwide contacts give him broad access to innovation and make him a valuable resource for your projects.
Jay’s service is wholeheartedly recommended.

John R. Sanders Jr.
Chief Technical Engineer
Schermerhorn Symphony Center
The Nashville Symphony
Jay Ballard has a unique understanding that AVL is much more than equipment and systems.
Pastors have very individual needs, and Jay gets that.  He understands the dynamics between the technical team and the stage.  With years of experience in the trenches of church and venue media, Jay Ballard brings a balance.  That’s why I’ve always enjoyed working with him.
Jay’s service is wholeheartedly recommended.

Dave Kalahar
Director of Media & Broadcasting
Valley Baptist Church
Bakersfield, CA

Having known Jay for the last five years and worked with him for a good number of those years I have come to know Jay as a consummate professional, a great friend, and Godly man. Jay’s decades of experience and technical skill are evidenced by not only his excellent work product, but also his terrific reputation among his peers and other worship pastors that have had the opportunity to work with him. He has a high level of technical knowledge, is cool under pressure, and is forward thinking. Jay also works well with volunteers and is friendly, kind, and patient.


While serving on my staff at First Baptist Church of Plant City Jay was not only a great employee, but a great team player, and an excellent partner in creating worship experiences that were always excellent and God honoring. Jay always approached ideas with an open mind. He was never afraid to push the envelope of creativity and came to the table with excellent ideas and solutions for making things happen. Jay also has a broad network of friends and colleagues both in ministry and the audiovisual community that have been beneficial to every ministry or project that he has worked on.  It really was and is a pleasure to work with him.


Jay also has an extremely powerful testimony of God’s power, mercy, and grace in his life that is evidenced by the miracles that God has performed in overcoming an extremely serious medical event. It is also important to say that he is an excellent husband, father, and son as show by his deep love for his wife, two daughters and family.


I would whole heartedly endorse Jay without any reservation whatsoever.


Ken Van Cura

Worship Pastor

First Baptist Church of Plant City

I am delighted to recommend my friend Jay Ballard for your audio, visual and lighting consulting needs.
I have known Jay and have had the privilege to see Jay’s work firsthand for almost 7 years. More than being qualified at the technical aspects of all things A/V/L, Jay’s greatest strength is his understanding of the ministry of the local church and working diligently to communicate the Gospel message of salvation and hope as flawlessly as possible.
You will find in Jay a man who loves what he does, and more importantly, loves the Lord Jesus and seeing Him exalted in every local church.
Brian Stowe
Senior Pastor
First Baptist Church of Plant City
Jay Ballard coordinated all AVL functions for a recent gathering of pastors from some of the largest SBC churches around the country.
I made one call and Jay took care of everything. Jay took a basic hotel conference room and added appropriate video screens, stage and accent lighting, and sound equipment to make for a flawless event.
He’s a man of integrity and love for ministry. I highly recommend Jay and Waveworks AVL for your event.  You won’t be disappointed.
Steve Cowart
Events and
Worship Production Manager (Retired)
Bellevue Baptist Church
Memphis, TN
Since its inception, Waveworks AVL has proven itself time and again to be an extremely valuable partner to the body of believers at FBCPC.  Waveworks AVL is knowledgeable, capable and dependable, but most importantly understands the goals and challenges of media ministry in today's churches.
David Morris
Media Director
First Baptist Church of Plant City